Eén van mijn favoriete dingen aan reizen is het ontdekken van nieuwe smaken en gerechten... wat eigenlijk grappig is want dat is net een van de redenen waarom ik reizen haatte als kind. Maar dingen veranderen en ik dus ook. Eén van de nieuwe dingen die ik in Argentinië leerde kennen waren empañadas maar ik moet toegeven dat het geen liefde op het eerste gezicht was. De Argentijnse vulling kon me niet meteen bekoren. Het was wel lekker maar niet "ooooh kei lekker, gimme more", snappie? Ik probeerde verschillende vullingen en bedacht uiteindelijk deze empañada met een Mexicaanse twist. Ik experimenteer nog met andere recepten maar kreeg al heel positieve reacties op deze dus die wilde ik toch al even delen. Het is het perfecte hapje of zelfs voorgerecht (moet je er wel meer dan 1 geven ;) ). In Argentinië eten ze vaak 2-3 empañadas als lunch. Het is hun equivalent van onze Belgische boterhamemen, zeg maar. Anyway, hier komt het recept voor de échte Argentijnse empañada met een niet zo Argentijnse vulling!
May 28, 2016
Empañadas (met een Mexicaanse twist).
Eén van mijn favoriete dingen aan reizen is het ontdekken van nieuwe smaken en gerechten... wat eigenlijk grappig is want dat is net een van de redenen waarom ik reizen haatte als kind. Maar dingen veranderen en ik dus ook. Eén van de nieuwe dingen die ik in Argentinië leerde kennen waren empañadas maar ik moet toegeven dat het geen liefde op het eerste gezicht was. De Argentijnse vulling kon me niet meteen bekoren. Het was wel lekker maar niet "ooooh kei lekker, gimme more", snappie? Ik probeerde verschillende vullingen en bedacht uiteindelijk deze empañada met een Mexicaanse twist. Ik experimenteer nog met andere recepten maar kreeg al heel positieve reacties op deze dus die wilde ik toch al even delen. Het is het perfecte hapje of zelfs voorgerecht (moet je er wel meer dan 1 geven ;) ). In Argentinië eten ze vaak 2-3 empañadas als lunch. Het is hun equivalent van onze Belgische boterhamemen, zeg maar. Anyway, hier komt het recept voor de échte Argentijnse empañada met een niet zo Argentijnse vulling!
May 21, 2016
24 before 25: recap.
My birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks which means it's time to look back on the goals I set for myself last year. How much did I check off from my list? And more importantly, which goals didn't I achieve...
Dye my hair red.In December last year, I finally did it; I became a red head! It took some getting used to and I needed like three weeks before I could decide whether I liked it or not. In the end, I only received positive reactions so I don't think it was such a huge mistake. At the moment, I'm still a red head, not sure when I'm going to change back to blond yet.Go on a citytrip to Prague or Budapest.You'll never guess where I am at this very moment? Yup, Budapest! See point 13 why :D- Buy only 5 (five!) clothing items the entire year. This one was set up to fail. In the first 4 months after my birthday I already bought three items? Yup, it was pretty clear pretty early on that this was going to be reaaaaally tough! In the end, I think I bought about 10 clothing items this year... which still isn't too bad, I think but it's still two times more than 5 of course!
(pair of jeans - pair of shoes - orange pants - dress - leather jacket - glitter shoes - jumpsuit) Travel to a different continent.Argentina was A-MA-ZING!- Read 10 books.
a. Fifty shades of Grey - E.L. James // b. Zielsgeheim - Sharon Bolton (Now you see me) // c. Before I go to sleep - S.J. Watson // d. Duisternis - Gillian Flynn (Dark Places) // e. De jongen in de gestreepte pyjama - John Boyne (the boy in the striped pyjamas) // f. De Zoon - Jo Nesbo (The Son) // g. Zes seconden te laat - Jo Nesbo (Nemesis) // Still got three weeks to read three books... Not going to happen though, I believe. Get driver's licence.Doooooone! FINALLY! Passed the first time (yippee!)- Get in shape. Yeah... No. I've been saying for 4 months now that I'm going to go running again... Still haven't left the couch yet.
... and hopefully lose 10 kg in the process.After being sick, I reached my goal of losing 10kg. I'm doubting whether it's going to stay that way but at least I made it... briefly :D Nevertheless, I lost about 8-9 kilo's in the end and I'm pretty happy with that as well! Didn't think it would actually work this time.- Participate in a Color Run. See point 7.
Write at least one blog post a week. It took a bit of planning but I've been able to work out a schedule that works for me in the meantime. I think I've been able to post at least one post a week during the past 4-5 months or so and to be honest... I'm kind of proud of that! Because it wasn't always easy!Go to a festival.Sfinks it was!- Buy a new bike. I didn't buy a new bike but I did get my old one fixed! That's almost the same, right?
Celebrate my five-year anniversary with the boyfriend. As you already saw, we're in Budapest right now. We thought we'd do something special for our 5-year anniversary. As we both like travelling, we figured it would be fun to take a trip together instead of buying gifts. I'll tell you all about the trip when I'm back!Go to Disneyland.- Try at least one photo DIY. Nope
- Go to Bocadero. I seriously can't believe I STILL haven't been to Bocadero. It seems that everytime I want to go, something gets in between. Next year better!
Donate to charity //do something good. I did donate blood and buy a greenseat on the plane to Argentina. But it wasn't exactly what I had in mind. Therefore, I consider this goal only half finished.- Make a scrapbook (or finish one). Nope
Start with retirement saving (pensioensparen).- Go to an amusement park I've never been before.
Go to a wellness facility.I haven't been to a wellness facility at this point in time yet but since the Boyfriend is planning a surprise day for my birthday and I made it VERY clear that a wellness would be suuuuuuuuuperfun, I have high hopes that he's going to take me there. I'm already crossing this off now because I wasn't very subtle so I'm confident he will have planned this.- Go to the opera.
Cook a three course dinner. (mushroom soup - meatball oven dish - pana cotta)- Start eating breakfast regularly. If I'm completely honest, this goal failed after only a week, I think. And now that we're being honest, I remember that I only put this on the list last year because I couldn't find any other 24th goal. So I wasn't too serious about this anyway... Oopsie.
So... 12,5 out of 24, that means I passed so not too bad! Although I could have done better too. So I'm aiming to reach 15 goals out of 25 next year! I've been working on my 25 before 26 list for 3 months now, so it's going to be good. Just three more weeks to be patient and then my new list will be published online. I'm already excited for the new year!
May 14, 2016
Time to share the love again. Here are a couple of blog posts I bumped into over the past couple of months/weeks and which I enjoyed reading a lot (there were more but I didn't save all of them).
- I love Instagram but mostly for personal use. In other words, I put whatever the hell I want on there and never really thought about how my feed would look... Until I read this blog post on moonlitstories.com. Go check out her Instagram page and you'll see why you should listen to everything she has to say! It's so pwetty!
- So, you probably know by now that I love baking but what I hate is being left with half an egg. Therefore, I usually avoid recipes that involve only egg yolk or egg white. I hate being left with the other half and have nothing to do with it. I started freezing the egg whites (haven't actually used them yet) so I hope that might help for the future. Anyway, if it wouldn't, I still have these useful tips from chickslovefood.nl to use the remaining part.
- Mojito ice cream. Do I really need to say more? I found the recipe on flair.be.
- Merel from crvy.nl shared a very interesting address in Antwerp... and it's only 100m from where I work. Oh, Mexican food! Can't wait to try this out!
- Another recipe from chickslovefood.nl (how come I never found this blog earlier?!) Nutella souffle. I rest my case.
- I have to admit that I still don't understand what SEO is and I'm probably going to have to read this post of Superblogger.nl at least another three times before I do (but that's totally my bad, has nothing to do with the post itself). For all other bloggers like me; this might help!
So, go and spread the love for your fellow bloggers! And please do tell me; what's the best post you read lately?
May 7, 2016
1. Selfie with Fons // 2. The Boyfriend and I went to Morres Meubelen and I ate this delicious strawberry pie // 3. The chairs I chose + 4. the table we picked out // 5. Ice cream... // 6. with le bf // 7. Lunch with a view (yes, this is where I work) // 8. My tupperware orders came in // 9. Foooooooons // 10. Date with the boyfriend @foodvillage // 11. where I ate this brownie with ice cream // 12. at this beautiful location // 13. My outfit of the day // 14. Playing with Fonsie // 15. We got the keys to our appartment and the boyfriend showed up with a little surprise // 16. Dinner with the boyfriend's parents!
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