June 27, 2013
Thursday Tunes.
June 24, 2013
Cookie Dough Cupcakes
There's nothing I don't love about cookie dough, I could eat everything cookie-dough related all day long. That's why I love these cupcakes so much! I discovered them through Pinterest and they happened to be from my favorite cooking site. I should have known. I have to warn you though, this is not something you make quickly. It might be my lack of organisation or just because I'm slow... or the fact that I can only bake 6 cupcakes at once but it took me a whole afternoon to finish these beauties. It was worth every second though. They. Are. SO. Good. I did change the recipe a bit (sometimes I'm just too lazy to go to the store to get the right ingredients) but it turned out okay. If you like the original recipe better, you can check it out here. You can find my recipe below:
June 22, 2013
Strawberry Daiquiri.
For a minute there, I thought summer had begun. But, as usual, rain had to ruin the party. While I was still high on sunshine and had the belief that summer was just around the corner, I started thinking about all those summer cocktails. My best friend and I are on the hunt for the best strawberry daiquiri in town after we had it in a Cuban cocktailbar in Amsterdam. So far, we haven't met anything that comes even close to the one in that bar. I know it's risky, but I tried to give it a shot myself. Still not the same as in Amsterdam, but maybe I just remember it wrong. Besides, this one isn't half bad either (it's not the "official" recipe, I improvised a bit).
June 17, 2013
DIY Vanilla extract
DIY vanille-extrtact: beste ontdekking die ik in maanden heb gedaan! En ik wil jullie graag deel laten uitmaken van de vreugde! Als je zoals mij van bakken houdt, gaat je dit nog heel handig van pas komen, geloof mij! En het beste van al? Het is supergemakkelijk om te maken; je hebt slechts 2 ingrediënten nodig. Met een vanillestok en wodka, maak je heel eenvoudig je eigen vanille-extract. Maak je je zorgen om de alcohol in je baksels? Wel, de alcohol verdampt tijdens het bakken dus je kan het met een gerust hart ook aan kinderen serveren.
June 13, 2013
Vanilla cupcakes with chocolate.
Everybody loves cupcakes, right? Just what I thought! I invented these cupcakes on my own but it's actually just a recipe to make a regular cake. I've added chocolate filling and chocolate frosting to it and if I may believe the critics, it's pretty good. For an ordinary cupcake, that is. You can find the recipe below:
June 11, 2013
Is it weird posting a wishlist the day after your birthday? This doesn't mean I'm not happy with my gifts or anything (because I am, you're looking at the proud owner of a Coldplay-mug now). It's just that whenever I have exams, my study breaks always lead me to websites with pretty things... and so my wishlist is born.
1. Right on barbecue dress – Modcloth // 2. Short with lace – New Look //
3. Orsia Patti Circle Scarf – Vero Moda // 4. Hat – H&M // 5. Summershoes – New Look // 6. Sweet soiree flat in candy apple –
Modcloth // 7. Cute socks – Topshop
June 9, 2013
22 things to do before 23
Tomorrow I turn 22, not really a mile stone age but hey, it's my birthday! I would probably love birthdays more if I didn't have to study every time (one of the perks of being born in June: there are always exams which you need to study for). But just one more year to go and I will be done studying (hopefully). Anyway, I saw these fun lists of goals for your next birthday turning up on different blogs I follow and I thought it would be fun to give it a try! It was actually harder than I thought to come up with 22 goals I want to accomplish in a year. So here it is: my 22 goals to accomplish before I turn 23:
- Get my first manicure. I actually have a gift box lying somewhere over here to get a professional manicure and I can't wait to use it! It will be my first.
- Get my driver's licence. Because yes: I'm 22 years old and I still don't have a driver's licence. Hopefully that will be different same time next year!
- Finish the Start to Run program/Run 5km. This is actually one of my new year's resolutions as well so I'm already training for it. The goal is to run 5km with the help of a podcast and someone encouraging you to keep on going!
June 7, 2013
Strawberry Lemonade
I love love love strawberries! It was only last year that I discovered the joy of strawberry lemonade (better late than never, I guess?). I got the original recipe from Annies eats (love love love that site as well!), but since we use a different kind of measuring system I adapted it a little bit to my own liking (and with different measures).
June 5, 2013
For those who are curious about what I did in May (if there are any):
1. The Boyfriend and I started our own vegetable garden. Our latest attribution: brocolli! // 2. Working in that same garden // 3. My reward after handing in my thesis // 4. Going out eating for our 2 year anniversary with a coupon from Flair Magazine // 5. Cooking! Pasta with shrimp // 6. Editing my Recipes page of eatyouriloveyous (Soon I will be editing the same kind of page right here, I promise) // 7. Customised Coca Cola cans // 8. Train ticket from travelling to Antwerp // 9. Boyfriend playing dead // 10. Eating Cupcakes! // 11. Studying with friends in the library // 12. My study nook at home: in my comfy sofa!
June 2, 2013
It's alive!
So the first blog post, that's kind of exciting, a little presure though because I don't want to make a big fool of myself from the start. But that's probably inevitable because English is not my native language. But first let me start with a quick introduction!
So, that's me. My name is Inez by the way. You might know me from eatyouriloveyous.wordpress.com, but you probably won't because nobody ever read that thing. It's also in Dutch. I was thinking about blogging in English for quite some time now but I was never really sure if I could do it. I finally figured I would take the risk and see what comes out of it. If I make some silly errors, you'll just have to excuse me! And since it would be kind of weird to start blogging on a Dutch website, I made a new one.
But a little more about myself: I'm 21 years old (for now, I've got a birthday coming up soon) and from Belgium, a small country in Western Europe, near the sea and just above France but it's mostly known for the chocolates and the waffles. I love taking pictures, although I'm not al that good at it. I'm planning on changing that one day though and in the meantime, I'll just say practice makes perfect. There are many other things I enjoy as well, like travelling, music, baking, eating and drinking, going out and so on. You'll probably find all of these things on the blog in the future. I'm an only child, so no brothers and sisters for me, but I don't miss it either. I've grown accustomed to being alone and I actually like it. And for those times I just want to be around people, there's always my wonderful boyfriend and his large family to entertain me.
So I guess that's pretty much it for now, if you want to know more about me, just ask! But you'll probably figure me out in the next couple of posts. Have a nice day!
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