February 27, 2014

Thursday Tunes.

Favorite songs of the moment:

February 23, 2014

First Fisheye Photos

Last year, the Boyfriend got me a Fish eye camera for Christmas. It's hard to believe that it took an entire year to finish the role of film but a year later, the photos are finally developed. It's nice in a way to look back on these pictures a year later. All those memories. I already bought a new role of film to start snapping pictures again and I can't wait to get them developed as well! Here are some of the best pictures. A lot of them didn't turn out to be very good but that's okay. That gives me another reason to practise more!

February 19, 2014


Poffertjes are a typical Dutch recipe but I thought I would give it a try. After all, the Netherlands aren't that far away. I don't know how to translate 'poffertjes' that's just how it's called here but in fact these are mini pancakes. They taste a little different than pancakes but I think these are better. You would normally use a special pan to bake these but since I'm not Dutch, I don't have this just lying around and so I experimented with the cakepop machine I got earlier this year. The mini pancakes were a bit smaller than the normal size but the taste was soooo good! You can find the recipe below:

February 16, 2014

Valentine's Day.

I think this might be the first year the Boyfriend and I did anything special for Valentine's Day. Here in Belgium it's not a huge thing like it is in other countries, I guess. It's not like in the movies... or it wasn't anyway. Because suddenly it seems like all kinds of American traditions have found their way here. Halloween, Valentine's Day, wedding traditions, ... we're all going along with it. Anyway, Valentine's Day is a thing here now, so the Boyfriend and I celebrated it. Because every reason to eat out is a good one in our opinion. We went to this delicious little tapas bar in the neighbourhood and had such a nice time. The food was amazing too. I mean, that has to be the best chicken I ever ate! I believe I could become a real fan of this new tradition. I definitely could.

P.S. I got my grades that day too. They were good!

February 13, 2014

Green cocktail.

So, originally I had planned to make another cocktail for this post but when I wanted to start, I realised I hadn't all of the ingredients in house. And well, it was a rainy day, I don't have a driver's licence and I didn't feel like riding my bike through the rain so I just whipped something up and it was suprisingly good. I'm not saying this is the best cocktail I ever had (mojito will always be my favorite) but it holds up! The boyfriend and I always love a good cocktail so this might be perfect for our next cocktail night! Curious of what's in it? Find out below!

February 10, 2014

Shrimp Pasta.

Well, after the tights, I thought I could stick to the Valentine's day theme. How does a shrimp pasta fit in a Valentine's Day themed post, you ask? Well, that's actually very simple. It's my Valentine's favorite dish (or at least his favorite dish that I can cook). The Boyfriend is absolutely crazy about this pasta and the best thing is, it's sooooo easy to make. The only hard thing about it is that you have to peel all the shrimp and remove their intestines. The rest is very very simple and quick!

February 6, 2014

Heart tights.

Since Valentine's Day is approaching, I thought it would be okay if I got a little corny. I'm normally not really into heart shaped things or anything but it is almost Valentine's Day and well.. I just got caught up, I guess. I wanted to DIY some tights for quite some time but I didn't really know what figure I wanted to put on the knee. So basically, this gave me the perfect excuse to put a heart on it. You want to know how to do it? Find out below:

February 2, 2014


1. First iPhone photo I ever took! // 2. Saying goodbye to the christmas tree // 3. Boyfriend happy with his Christmas gifts // 4. Study break! // 5. Study nook // 6. Ordered the cutest iPhone case // 7. Studying like a pro // 8. Some of the gifts I got for Christmas // 9. Making cupcakes // 10. Testing out that selfiecam // 11.  Cafe Latte Love // 12. Healthy lunch break // 13. Cocktails @ Joker Travel (we're going to Italy this year, WOOP WOOP!) // 14. Going to the movies to see Marina // 15. Making preparation for my internship (I start on wednesday) // 16. Wearing my happy pants!