I know, I know, first I say the only thing I want to commit to this year is to spend more time here, on my blog, and then I go and disappear for two-three weeks. Not exactly what you would expect. But I'm here now and I'm all excited to tell you about what I did in December. It was a very christmassy month... And I loved it!

1. I gave blood (together with the boyfriend + the in-laws) //
2. Studying for my French exam.. Just like old times //
3. Sinterklaas has come to work... //
4. and at home! //
5. Went out to eat tapas with my highschool friends //
6. Being crazy with the boyfriend #wewokeuplikethat //
7. Dinner of the month; fish burgers //
8. Sneeky selfie from the boyfriend //
9. INSIDE a christmas tree in the mall /
10. Went to a christmas fair in Oberhausen and saw a huge Lego store //
11. Super cute store window (I love disney) //
12. I also went to a christmas fair in Brussels with the boyfriend and saw a cool light show... //
13. and our national symbol: Manneke Pis! (first time for the boyfriend) ... //
14. and the most awesome
merry-go-round... //
15. and took more selfies with the boyfriend //
16. We eventually finished the month with baking some goodies: