July 21, 2015

Something new.

As you can hopefully tell, I changed my background and other settings on the blog. Although I loved my previous lay out, after two years I thought it was time for something new. That doesn't mean I'm completely satisfied about this lay out yet but I'm a complete klutz when it comes to changing lay outs and image things and let alone CSS. I'm struggling my way through these things and thank God for Google!
But anyway, it's a learning process and man, do I have a lot to learn. As I google my way into little changes on the blog, you'll probably see some things changing here and there. But the main works are done... I think. Hopefully.

July 8, 2015

Cityguide: Lille.

Iets meer dan twee maanden geleden, gingen het Lief en ik op romantisch weekend naar Lille (Rijsel) in Frankrijk. Het was een nogal impulsieve beslissing om een weekendje weg te gaan maar we hebben het ons geen seconde beklaagd. Omdat ik op zoek was naar 'city guides' van Lille maar er geen vond, besloot ik om er zelf eentje te maken. Ik moet je wel waarschuwen, ik ben niet de beste fotograaf en omdat we ook tijdens een 'feestweekend' gingen (vrijdag was een feestdag), was er ook heel veel gesloten. Toch denk ik dat ik genoeg interessante plekjes heb gevonden om met jullie te delen!

July 4, 2015

Snapshot recap: April to June.

It's been a while since I last shared my month in picture but I'm back! And here's a little overview of the last three months' highlights.

1. There's this wine called Santa Inez. True story. // 2. I was cleaning out my closet and realised I had way too many shoes. Still decided to only toss one pair :D // 3. Boyfriend and I made dinner + strawberry margaritas // 4. Ice cream at work; Can it get any better? (yes, ice cream and no work!) // 5. Somehow, I got this massive bruise on my thigh // 6. I went to see a hypnosis show from Patrick Pickart with the boyfriend and his friends. Freakiest thing ever. I saw my friends getting hypnotized and doing the weirdest things. Pretending they're on a motor cycle, forgetting their names, forgetting numbers. If you ever get the chance, please go see one of these shows! // 7. I got a Polaroid from my parent's in law and it finally works! // 8. My lovely colleague made some cupcakes (again) 
9. The boyfriend and I went to Lille (France) for the weekend // 10. and took a (weird) selfie with the rhinos in Lille Zoo // 11. My colleagues and I went on a city tour with another colleague who's a city guide as well. Very interesting! Been walking around in Antwerp for so many years and didn't notice so many wonderful things! // 12. The boyfriend and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary and still love each other very much // 13. Of course, we went out to dinner as well
14. We went to Rotterdam (the Netherlands) for the weekend as well and took a selfie on the 'Erasmusbrug' // 15. We celebrated my birthday at the Sinksenfoor // 16. And my colleagues celebrated my birthday by decorating my desk.