May 1, 2014


It's time for my favorite series again. I love looking back on what I've done in the past month. I hope you do too!

P.S.: I'm sorry I haven't been around lately, I've been crazy busy with school and it work just keeps piling up!

1. Made some friends during my run // 2. I love him so much // 3. Sunny days are the best // 4. Still craving the bagels from Jackies // 5. School work; again // 6. Hanging brochette // 7. Looking forward to our trip to Lisbon // 8. Coin dozer: my guilty pleasure // 9. Seeing some birds at the flea market in Nijlen // 10. Working in the garden // 11. Taking the train to Leuven // 12. I'm in love with this new restaurant: La cucaracha in Leuven: Best Mexican Food Ever! // 13. My cute towel // 14. Watching Once Upon A Time

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