June 3, 2014

22 before 23: recap.

My birthday's in a week and I'm planning on making list of goals to achieve before my next birthday, like I did last year. But before I'll let you see what's on that list, I thought I first make a recap of last year's list. If you haven't read it yet, you can find my 22 before 23 list here (or below).

And well, this is kind of awkward... I didn't really achieve that much in the past year. Of the 22 goals I've set for myself, I only realised about 8 or 9 of them... And some of them were very easy to achieve. But let's have a look: 

1. Get my first manicure.
I didn't (sad face). BUT I actually have a good reason for this: I can't have a manicure because of my job. I work over a the meat counter in a supermarket and it's forbidden to get your nails done if you need to touch the meat (which I obviously have to). But I'll probably be quiting my job somewhere in the summer so maybe after that.

2. Get my driver's licence.
This is the most awkard one  to admit: no, I didn't. I didn't even take the practical exam yet. I just don't feel ready and I've been so busy with school this entire year I hardly got the time to practise. I would fail anyway.

3. Finish the Start to Run program/Run 5km
YES, finally one I did achieve. Nobody thought I could but I showed them! I have to admit that lately I'm slacking off again but I just finished my internship (which means I got some free time again, well, except for exams) so I can get started again.

4. Make a scrapbook
Yes and no; I started but didn't finish yet.

5. Personalize one of my clothing items.
YES, you remember my heart tights? I do too. Unfortunately, they're just a memory now. I've ripped them.

6. Learn to sew
Nope, this one I didn't achieve. But if I'm totally honest: I didn't really expect I would either. Just not enough hours in a day.

7. Get my diploma Communication Sciences
I did, as you may have noticed. I wrote a post about how proud I was/am over here.

8. Go on more dates.
Since the boyfriend is working it's hard to go on dates but we worked it out. We're just not going on the typical 'dinner and a movie'-dates anymore but instead we'll go for a swim or go to the shopping mall or the supermarket. Not really date-dates but we enjoy them.

9. Experiment with analogue photography.
I don't consider this goal as achieved. I did experiment with analogue photography, as you may remember from my post about my fish eye photos but not as much as I wanted too. I can do better. So I'll put this back on the list for next year and try to experiment even more.

10. Save a little money for the future.

11. Discover local treasures.
In summer, the Boyfriend and I went quite a lot on biking dates (or however you like to call it) and discovered some new places, but again: not as much as I wanted too.

12. Go to a festival.
Double check. Last year, I went to TW Classic, Gentse Feesten, Sfinks Mixed and Jour Tibour.

13. Buy more CD's.
Not really. Since the Boyfriend's totally crazy about vinyl records, I mostly bought that. Not even for myself but as a gift for him.

14. Invent my own pie-recipe.
I did invent one but haven't tried it out. Maybe as next week's birthday cake?

15. Read 5 books.
I did. I can't really remember which they were but I counted and there were at least five (school books not included!).

16. Discover new music/bands.
Nope. I used to be totally into music but lately I just don't have the time or energy anymore to search new bands. Whenever I'm finished with my school work I just want to turn this computer off and go lay in my bed.

17. Donate blood.
No. I'm so disappointed that I didn't.

18. Road trip.
No driver's licence = no road trip

19. Give my boyfriend at least a thousand kisses.
I think I did. But maybe you'll have to ask him.

20. Learn to drink wine.
Yes and no. I've made some steps forward and I even like rosé but most wines are still icky.

21. Find an internship or have some work experience in a company/job I love.
I did get an internship (as a teacher) but I mostly hated it. So no, goal not really accomplished.

22. Learn more about blog design and html and stuff.
I got of a really good start but than school started and my life was over.

That's 8 (and a half for the wine?) goals out of 22. Auwch. Better luck next year?


  1. I bet you will have better luck next year - and I think having those 8 goals finished is something to be proud of anyway.

  2. Hey alle puntjes die je haalde, heb je toch maar gehaald hé :D En je hebt toch al je diploma, da's al een hele prestatie :D
