October 7, 2013


1. Enjoying the last summer days with a smoothie and a milkshake // 2. Crete! // 3. Cocktails in Crete. -- I want to go back! // 4. Back in Leuven // 5. Student Welcome party. Watching a martial arts demonstration (or something like it) // 6. Already have a big to do-list! // 7. Home cooked meal: fish with broccoli // 8. A date in Antwerp // 9. Watched every single episode of Desperate Housewives. Addicted? Noooooo! // 10. Signed up for the Buddy Project in Leuven. // 11. Another date with the boyfriend. In Leuven this time. // 12. Found an old instax photo of the boyfriend and myself // 13. Not really a date, just a lovely evening at home with the boyfriend... and wine. // 14. My Crete photoalbum has arrived!

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